"Restart" is a docu-reality series that follows participants who have decided to create a change in their lifestyles. By following the change they are going through, the viewers at home can compare it to their own lifestyle and get the motivation to affect a change.
Up Next in Limited Series
Restart - Episode 5
"Restart" is a docu-reality series that follows participants who have decided to create a change in their lifestyles. By following the change they are going through, the viewers at home can compare it to their own lifestyle and get the motivation to affect a change.
Restart - Episode 6
"Restart" is a docu-reality series that follows participants who have decided to create a change in their lifestyles. By following the change they are going through, the viewers at home can compare it to their own lifestyle and get the motivation to affect a change.
Restart - Episode 7
"Restart" is a docu-reality series that follows participants who have decided to create a change in their lifestyles. By following the change they are going through, the viewers at home can compare it to their own lifestyle and get the motivation to affect a change.