3 Seasons
"Srugim" is an Israeli drama series showcasing the lives of single Jerusalem residents from the national religious sector. Struggling to fit into traditional frameworks due to their unmarried status, they navigate the complexities of love, faith, and society in their quest for belonging. The series delves into late marriages, societal pressures, and the challenges of maintaining faith in a modern world, capturing the heart and soul of a community at a crossroads.
Year: 2008
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Yael Sharoni, Tali Sharon, Sharon Fauster
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 1 - Come to Pharaoh
Episode 1
Nati finds new romance and a new roommate - both with extreme tastes. Amir and Yifat get more than they bargained for when they go car shopping. Hodaya and Avri meet again and old wounds are opened.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch,... -
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 2 - A Candidate With Experience
Episode 2
Nati comes face to face with Azaria's ex. Hodaya meets with her former boyfriend, who is not so kosher after all.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Yael Sharoni, Tali Sharon, Sharon F... -
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 3 - Everything Moves and Will Travel
Episode 3
Nati finds a reason to see Tehila again. The job market doesn't look good for Amir. Ruet is swept off her feet by Azaria's poetry.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Yael Sharoni, Tali... -
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 4 - Venezuela
Episode 4
Amir receives a serious career opportunity, but there are strings attached. Meanwhile, Reut makes time to see Azaria.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Yael Sharoni, Tali Sharon, Shar... -
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 5 - Tractate 'Vows'
Episode 5
Nati feels conflicted about a prank pilled at work. Hodaya has big news for Yifat. Ruet lends Azaria some help with finances.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Yael Sharoni, Tali Shar... -
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 6 - Nothing With Nothing
Episode 6
Nati finds himself under serious scrutiny by his superiors. Amir and Reut clash at work. With marriage on the horizon, Hodaya becomes overwhelmed.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Ya... -
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 7 - Come in, Bride
Episode 7
With his hours cut, Nati finds himself with too much time on his hands. Plus, after Reut and Nati go to a reading of Azaria's poetry, Reut makes an odd request.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, ... -
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 8 - Squid in Barcelona
Episode 8
Hodaya feels rebellious at work. Nati scares Tehila with an unwelcome medical opinion. Yifat struggles with the pressure of being the breadwinner.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Ya... -
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 9 - One True Thing
Episode 9
Yifat's brother comes to visit and complicates things for Hodaya. Reut once again finds herself helping Azaria on the financial front.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Yael Sharoni, ... -
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 10 - Crown of Glory
Episode 10
Yifat and Amir get a first look at their baby and Yifat gets a makeover. Nati takes issue with Azaria's poetry, and the gloves drop during a public reading.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos... -
38:14Episode 11
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 11 - Night Birds
Episode 11
Azaria presents Hodaya with an opportunity. Amir tries to find himself and Yifat experiences independence. Roi has a life-changing experience.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Yael S... -
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 12 - And Let Her Name Be Called in Israel
Episode 12
Reut finds herself on a blind date. Yifat and Amir spend some time on the countryside. Nati's relationship with Tehila deepens.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Yael Sharoni, Tali Sh... -
36:28Episode 13
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 13 - Sodom
Episode 13
Nati makes quite the proposal in response to a temptation. Hodaya and Avri's relationship gets complicated. Reut tries accept her title as an aunt.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Y... -
37:00Episode 14
Srugim - Season 3, Episode 14 - One Kid
Episode 14
Hodaya gets the offer of a lifetime. Amir and Yifat's baby makes a move. Tehila confronts Nati with some complicated news.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: Jonathan Aroch, Dikla Barkai
Starring: Ohad Knoller, Amos Tamam, Yael Sharoni, Tali Sharon,... -
Srugim - Series Finale - Season 3, Episode 15 - Another Spirit
Episode 15
After the nerve-wrecking meeting of Hodaya and Avri, both are unhappy and reminisce about the past. Meanwhile, Nati is overjoyed because the new romance is exciting. Amir and Yifat can't believe the car purchase.
Year: 2011
Language: Hebrew, English subtitles
Director: Laizy Shapiro
Producers: J...