"Netiva" is a captivating documentary film that explores the life of Netiva Ben-Yehuda, a remarkable woman who made an indelible mark on the history of Israel. Through a series of insightful conversations with family, friends, and colleagues, director Lena Chaplin paints a vivid portrait of a woman who was both tender and tough, inspiring and unyielding.
The film takes us on a journey through Ben-Yehuda's life, from her days in the Palmach - the Jewish resistance movement during the British Mandate period - to her later career as an editor and author. Along the way, we learn about her triumphs and her losses, her joys and her sorrows, and the many challenges she faced as a woman in a male-dominated society.
Through interviews with Ben-Yehuda's daughter Amal, her longtime friend Haim Hefer, and others who knew her well, we gain a deeper understanding of this remarkable woman and the legacy she left behind. We also hear from those who worked with her, and learn about the impact she had on the literary world in Israel.
Overall, "Netiva" is a powerful and moving tribute to a woman who played a key role in shaping the history of Israel. It is a must-see film for anyone interested in the country's past, present, and future.
Spotting Yossi
Thirteen years after his death, the great actor Yossi Banai comes to life for one final encore, with a cinematic memoir led by his own deep iconic voice. Pieced together from numerous archival sources, Banai directs the spotlight on to his own image.
Year: 2019
Language: Hebrew, English subtitle... -
The Stand-Up Comedians
Get to know Israel's leading female comedians, as they work on their gigs and provide moving and amusing interviews about the hardships of breaking into an industry ruled predominantly by men.
This program may contain strong language, nudity, and/or violence. Viewer discretion is advised.
Lea Koenig's Love
"Lea Koenig's Loves" is a touching and introspective film that follows the life and career of the legendary Israeli actress Lea Koenig. Through a series of interviews, archival footage, and dramatic reenactments, the film tells the story of Lea's two great loves - the theater and her husband, dir...