"The Longest Night" is a powerful and emotionally charged film that brings to life the harrowing true story of the 1980 terror attack on Kibbutz Misgav-Am in Northern Israel. On that fateful night, a squad of five militants from the Iraqi-backed Arab Liberation Front infiltrated the kibbutz and stormed a children's dormitory. Inside, they took a group of toddlers and their caretaker hostage, setting the stage for one of the most tense and tragic events in Israeli history.
The film meticulously recreates the events inside the nursery, where fear and uncertainty gripped the innocent hostages and their young caretaker. The portrayal of these moments is both heart-wrenching and riveting, as the film delves deep into the psychological and emotional turmoil faced by those trapped inside.
Outside the nursery, the kibbutz community, including the parents of the hostages, endured an agonizing wait. The film captures their raw emotions, from hope to despair, as negotiations with the militants unfold. The tension is palpable as authorities and commando units strategize rescue attempts, knowing that every second counts and every decision could mean the difference between life and death.
"The Longest Night" does not shy away from the brutal reality of the situation. The rescue operation, fraught with danger and uncertainty, leads to tragic losses on both sides. The film pays tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of those involved, while also highlighting the devastating impact of such violence on families and communities.
What sets "The Longest Night" apart is its commitment to authenticity and emotional depth. The performances are outstanding, bringing a sense of realism and gravitas to the story. The direction and cinematography effectively convey the claustrophobic tension inside the nursery and the stark, haunting beauty of the kibbutz landscape.
This film is not just a recounting of historical events; it is a profound exploration of human resilience, bravery, and the enduring impact of trauma. "The Longest Night" stands as a testament to the strength of the human spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity.
Live or Die in Entebbe
Operation Entebbe, hailed as the most brilliant rescue operation in recent history — and Israel's greatest mythological raid — is the Mimouni family's greatest tragedy.
This program may contain strong language, nudity, and/or violence. Viewer discretion is advised.
Year: 2012
Language: Hebrew, ... -
Our Struggle
Through the microcosm of one family’s history, "Our Struggle" offers a unique glimpse into the past, present, and future of the State of Israel, a continuum that is closely intertwined with our own past, and at the same time reflects the current areas of conflict between the societies, cultures, ...
Six Day War Project
Get a play-by-play of the incredible Six Day War in 1967, including the ins and outs of Israel’s strategy, leadership, and impressive military feats. But more than that, it opens the door to important questions and issues that Israel faced in the aftermath of the war, and still does to this day.